Your Company's Brand Matters When Recruiting Talent

Nabila Ikram
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In this day and age, the idea of a company or workplace culture has become a big thing. There are numerous articles and studies about what is defined as a good workplace. Some of the top features often mentioned are flexibility, higher pay, respect, and growth opportunities. Therefore, most people have an image in mind of what makes an ideal workplace for the most productivity, plus maximum personal benefit for an employee. 88% of millennials place high importance on the right fit between employee and company.

In addition, because in today’s world everything is so connected, it is much easier for people to share that ideal image- and, naturally, who and who doesn’t live up to those standards. Don’t become the talk of the town for the wrong reasons, or your company reputation is at high risk thanks to a number of avenues, such as social media. People read and heed, and will cross you off their list of companies to consider if they come across negative experiences shared by others. In fact, 82% of people in studies have said that they would not work at a company with a bad reputation.  

So, what can you do? Create an employer brand.

A company brand is more focused on the consumer experience and the actual products and services the company is providing. An employer brand is focused on the quality of the workplace at said company. Some companies even take it a step further and also create a talent brand that focuses specifically on the interaction with recruiting and hiring talent. Whether you go for an employer brand or a more specified talent brand, the point is to pay attention to your workplace and how it is portrayed publicly. Here are some steps for you to consider as you develop your brand:

  1. Make sure you have work policies that are in line with today’s standards and expectations to ensure your current employees are satisfied and will share their satisfaction with others.
  2. Make the application process smooth. For example, today, it is becoming common for employers to require tests or sample tasks as part of the application process. While it is not a bad idea to ensure you hire the right candidate, make sure the requests are within reason- such as not taking too much time or asking for too much. The overall application, itself, regardless if there are tasks included or not, should not be too time intensive. You should also ensure to follow up with applicants in a timely manner or at least inform applicants of the post-application timeline/procedure so they know what to expect. This gives candidates an indication of your level of respect for their time and consideration, and furthermore, the kind of standards and expectations you probably have in the actual workplace.   
  3. Stay active on social media. If you have social media accounts, keep them active and well-maintained. Consumers and potential candidates, alike, keep an eye on social media to get an overall “feel” for a company before deciding to pursue any further action. Studies show that 78% of potential candidates will explore a company online before ever applying to a position.

Just like how a “brand name” can have an extraordinary influence in the consumer sphere, it is becoming equally important in the talent sphere. People have expectations and want to ensure those expectations are being met. An employer or talent brand helps resolve any mystery around your company culture and encourages job seekers to consider, apply, and stay engaged throughout your recruitment process.



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