What to Do If Your Employees Hate Their Jobs

Julie Shenkman
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Employees who hate their jobs are not fully invested in your company's mission, and as a result, work flow productivity decreases, morale in the office is low and your business may be suffering. Employee turnover can be costly for businesses. Pinpoint the cause of dispiriting employee attitudes to improve workplace environments and motivate and inspire employees on a daily basis.

Increased work demands and unmet employee needs are some of the top causes for employee disengagement and employee turnover, according to Jasmin Rojas for BLR.com. Employees who have few boundaries between work and home life and are expected to fulfill the duties of more than one position often feel overwhelmed, underappreciated and frustrated with their jobs.Meet employee needs to improve workplace environments and retain qualified and committed workers. Employees are more productive and satisfied when their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs are met. Allow your subordinates the opportunity to regularly recharge and renew at work with breaks, physical activities, wellness programs and morale-boosting activities. Meet emotional needs by rewarding achievements and showing appreciation for contributions to make employees feel valued.

Reduce employee turnover by setting clear expectations, outlining the most important tasks on the job, and defining procedures to avoid confusion that interrupts the work flow and causes frustration. Employees need to feel connected to their role within the company and see the results of their hard work. Investigate how your valued employees can obtain a higher purpose by discussing short-term and long-term goals. When employees can visualize a future with your company, they may be more committed and loyal to the company's mission.Seek out strategies to inspire and motivate employees. Provide them with a sense of ownership. Workers who feel their jobs and daily tasks have a direct impact on the success of the company are more likely to stay within the position.

Employees who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to support changes and efforts for improvement, accept changes within the organization and keep an open mind to new ideas. Not only does this empowerment reduce employee turnover; it also inspires employees to work harder to satisfy clients and customers, thus impacting the company's success and profit margin.

Benefits and incentives also enhance morale and reduce employee turnover. Create bonus and financial incentive programs tied to sales goals or daily performance. Launch programs that reward and recognize achievements in the workplace. Offer incentives that improve your employees' quality of life, such as gym memberships, access to sporting events and company functions that include family members.

Employees are motivated and inspired when they know that top-level management has their best interests in mind. Create a sense of loyalty, reduce employee turnover, improve daily performance rates and retain quality employees through simple gestures that show appreciation and value. Your company's success and ability to thrive depend on the happiness of your workforce.


Photo courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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