What are HR Analysts and Why Are They Important?

Gina Deveney
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The role of an HR analyst is to capture, analyze and report HR trends. This position requires excellent interpersonal and communication skills to keep both managers and employees informed on organizational concerns, queries and issues. More importantly, these professionals work continually to identify the most effective methods needed to improve human resources standards and policies. The analyst must create detailed reports and meet with management to discuss issues and provide recommendations for addressing priorities.

The HR analyst position has become a multi-faceted role that requires a diverse skill set. Organizations value the detailed data that research analysts provide, which helps identify issues in the workplace and trends within the industry. Effective analysts interpret data from research and use the analysis to develop extensive reports to help organizations make decisions regarding technology, business, personnel and software.

According to HR Bartender, HR analysts are an important component in any successful organization. These professionals must meet with vendors to obtain information regarding the most up-to-date products and solutions. Analysts must also meet frequently with HR leaders at industry events to identify and understand market needs. The role of the analyst consists of more than gathering data and conducting research, however. The analyst must have the ability to communicate the results in an easily comprehensible format. Moreover, the analyst must help an organization understand why the data is relevant and how it impacts the industry.

Analysts are valuable to vendors and corporations as a result of their ability to answer industry questions and guide various aspects of human capital management. From technology to software, this role has a considerable impact on human capital management or HCM. According to an article on Beyond, HR analytics has become a useful tool for HCM professionals because the data and research that analysts conduct helps the HR department perform its responsibilities more effectively. Additionally, HR analytics keeps the HR team aligned with organizational objectives while making human resources a priority for executives.

In order to remain successful, organizations require assistance making personnel- and technology-related decisions. In most cases, the organization lacks the time to research each individual detail of each organizational issue. For this reason, the role of the HR analyst has expanded, and its value has increased. These professionals help identify best practices, determine the lay of land within the market, and analyze industry trends.

The duties and responsibilities of HR analysts continue to evolve as industry needs change. The most important aspect of this position revolves around helping an organization make decisions regarding its equipment, personnel and business practices. However, aligning business priorities, helping resolve issues and understanding staffing challenges have become equally important. As of 2015, the role of HR analysts has started to encompass more workforce planning initiatives, management strategies and HCM necessities.


Photo courtesy of basketman at FreeDigitalPhotos.net



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