What Drives Job Seekers Today?

Julie Shenkman
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Job seekers in 2017 have different motivations than those in previous generations. According to research, these job seekers want to be respected, recognized, and rewarded by their employers. Understanding these motivations can help recruiters attract and retain the right talent for the organizations they serve.

According to 2017 Trendicators Report, the number one thing that modern job seekers are looking for is to be treated with respect and dignity. Job seekers are willing to reject job offers if they feel they have been treated with a lack of respect during the application process. This can be a disaster for companies that have invested a lot of time and money in identifying the right candidate for a role. In light of this finding, employers need to carefully examine their recruitment processes to ensure they treat all applicants with the dignity they deserve.

Rewards Programs

Millennials, people born between 1982 and 2004, are looking for more than a paycheck when they start their job search. They also seek recognition from potential employers. According to the 2017 Trendicators Report, 81 percent of job seekers think it is either important or very important for employers to include information about recognition and reward programs on their websites. Among millennials, this number is even higher, at an overwhelming 90 percent. To recruit the best talent, employers need to ensure this information is easy to find on their website. Companies that don't have employee reward programs should consider introducing these programs to motivate employees to put all their effort into their work. Successful reward programs may include giving employees gift cards or cash bonuses in exchange for good work. However, even programs that don't give financial rewards but simply praise employees for good work can be very effective at improving morale. Employers may want to consider introducing leaderboards in their workplaces for a little friendly competition.

Onboarding Process

Job seekers also expect a well-organized onboarding process to follow their job search. More than 70 percent of jobseekers take their onboarding experience into consideration when deciding whether to stay with an employer for more than a year. Companies that have a problem with high employee turnover may therefore be able to resolve this issue by overhauling their employee onboarding program. Disengaged employees are far more likely to leave their job and also perform poorly in the workplace, so it's vitally important to ensure the onboarding process engages employees from their very first day of work.

Job seekers in 2017 expect more than a basic job and a monthly paycheck; instead, they are looking for a company that respects, values, and recognizes their achievements. By keeping these priorities in mind, recruiters can attract the most talented job seekers to apply for and accept roles in their organizations.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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