Using Twitter to Network

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As a person new to Twitter, I feel that each day I discover something new. I recently learned what a great networking tool Twitter is. If you're currently searching for a job, I recommend reaching out on Twitter.

I found this article helpful when exploring social media networking opportunities. I've talked briefly about LinkedIn's benefits (and you can read more in the article), but I've used it sparingly and never thought of Twitter as a networking tool until recently. I decided it's time to tap into the capabilities of social networking.

After creating a Twitter account, I started following people I would like to know in person (i.e. Tom Hanks). Then I realized I should follow businesses or people that I admire and update my 'profile' section, which is admittedly a short summary of yourself. I found the easiest way to 'find' people on this site is to log on to Twitter, then click 'Who to Follow' and browse by interest. If you still want to narrow the field, type in the search engine. For example, I typed in 'new graduates' and 'careers in Philadelphia' and I found some great sites to follow. I strongly recommend following career-minded people who dispense advice or post job opportunities. By asking a thoughtful question or finding an interesting article, you build up your online presence. I have found this to be a great alternative to other sites that focus on friendships. I think Twitter and sites like it focus on relationships.

Log on and let me know who you follow! While you're there, follow us!

Questions? Comments? What do you want to read about?

Amy M worked in corporate public relations for three years before returning to graduate school to become an English and Social Studies teacher. She is also a freelance writer for CollegeJobBank.Com. In her free time, Amy likes to practice yoga. She is a self-proclaimed 'American history nerd.' Read more of her blogs at Find jobs and other information at Nexxt.


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