Top Benefits Job Seekers Find the Most Exciting

Hailey Jiang
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According to a recent survey conducted by Nexxt, “64% of surveyed job seekers said they’re considering making a career change this year.” With so many people hoping to find a new job, it’s important to reflect on your own job openings as an employer. While a good salary and company environment are important, there are numerous other benefits that can increase the desirability of your opening roles. Let’s explore the top five job benefits that job seekers are looking for.

1. Remote Work/Flexible Scheduling
Ever since the impact of COVID-19, working from home has risen in popularity, and for good reason. People are looking for a good work-life balance. Many people are taking care of family, finishing their education, or personal projects all while working a job or even multiple jobs. Flexible scheduling can actually increase your applicant pool, as there are many talented people who can’t work certain hours due to their circumstances. It can also improve productivity, as people will be able to focus on their task instead of worrying about their other responsibilities.

2. Healthcare/Dental Care Options
Healthcare and dental care can be expensive, and insurance can only help so much. In 2023, healthcare cost around $13,493 per person in America. Meanwhile, the median income in America is $37,585, meaning people are spending an average of 36% of their income on healthcare. While this number is certainly not the same for everyone, it’s no surprise that job seekers are hoping to find jobs that can help with such a large cost. Offering healthcare and dental care options helps employees feel valued by their company and improves employee satisfaction.

3. Retirement Savings Plan With a Company Match
A company match is when a company matches the amount of money an employee puts into their retirement savings. For example, if an employee sets aside 6% of their income for their retirement savings, a company may add an additional 3% to the savings. Why do job seekers want this? Well, most people don’t want to work their whole life. They want a good retirement plan with enough money to sustain themselves when they’re older. This is why job seekers are looking for a retirement savings plan and a company match from their employer. It benefits employees immensely and reduces the stress of post-retirement plans. Plan options are flexible, and employer contributions are also tax-free.

4. Unlimited Paid Time Off
Many people worry that unlimited PTO will hinder productivity. However, the opposite is actually true. When employees have unlimited PTO, they don’t feel pressured to continue working even when they need a break. They know they have the freedom to take a break when they need to in order to return to work refreshed, energized, and motivated to work. Similar to remote work and flexible scheduling, unlimited paid time off encourages a healthy work-life balance. It also nurtures trust between the employee and the company, as employees feel more valued and respected. Employees are often more loyal to their company when given unlimited paid time off, improving employee retention and satisfaction.

5. Paid Volunteer Days
Employer volunteer programs provide numerous benefits that you may not know about. For one thing, they encourage team bonding and improve the company culture. Employees grow closer to each other as they work together when volunteering, and this in turn improves performance in the office. On the same note, volunteering improves many skills that are incredibly useful. For example, it can improve teamwork skills, communication skills, and work ethic. Volunteering can also improve employee retention and satisfaction. 

In such a competitive job market, these job benefits can be the deciding factor between your job opening and another company’s. Offering these benefits opens up doors to new employees that can offer their skills and talent to your company. Furthermore, they improve employee satisfaction and retention, which in turn improves a company’s reputation.


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