Should You Use Networking Cards?

Nancy Anderson
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As you may attend networking events and meet new contacts on a regular basis, you definitely want an effective way to keep in touch with these individuals after the initial contact is made.


Although a resume gives a more complete snapshot of your professional experience, an alternative way to leave this type of information is via a networking card. A networking card is quite similar to a business card – for instance, a networking card can display your website, email address, phone number and other pertinent information. In addition, the networking card should also showcase your unique selling points on the card in order for you to stand out from the other job candidates. If possible, information about your background and the type of position that you seek should also be included. Of course, as most people are visual types and remember faces more than they do names, it is also in your best interest to include a photo of yourself on the networking card as well.


Where to Obtain Networking Cards


Networking cards can be created at home using a Word template – provided that you have a high quality printer. Additionally, you can design and order networking cards online from companies such as If you do not want to take the “do it yourself” approach, but prefer to work with a local company, you can always purchase networking cards from a print shop in your town or city.


Networking Card Tips


  • Ensure that your networking cards are professional looking
  • Print these cards on sturdy heavy-weight paper products
  • Ensure that all pertinent contact information is on the networking card
  • Make sure that there are no typos on the card
  • For aesthetically pleasing cards, consider making one side of the networking card glossy, and the other side matte.
  • Keep your networking cards in a business card holder so that they stay crisp and clean – when it comes to the job hunt, first impressions are critical.
  • Take your networking cards with you everywhere you go – after all, who knows when your next networking opportunity may be?


All in all then, in absence of a complete resume, networking cards are an excellent way to give individuals your contact and career information quickly and efficiently.

Larisa Redins is a full time writer and editor with degrees in both Arts and Biological Science. She writes about career issues for and other topics for a variety of international websites and magazines. Please visit her other blogs at and view job postings at


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