How Your Company Brand Secures Your Hires

Caitlin Wiles
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Let’s take a minute (or five) to think about your branding. Or, rather, your company’s branding. No matter what kind of company you are, big or small, your branding is one of your most essential assets in securing hires. It sets you apart from other companies, builds relationships between you and potential employees, and controls your reputation. Cultivating your company’s brand may be the edge you need to attract applicants, secure hires, and retain employees.

Here are three ways your company brand can help you secure your hires:

1.  Your brand builds a relationship with applicants.

People want to be with a company they feel like they know, and branding can create that relationship. Let’s take a random example, like Jane. Jane applies for some jobs she hasn’t heard much about, while other companies are brands she knows and loves. Jane gets two job offers—one from a company whose brand she doesn’t identify with but is offering her a fantastic position, and another from a company with a brand Jane has loyally followed for years but is a less appealing position. Jane goes with the second offer because there is no way she can turn down the company’s brand. In this example, and in countless real-life scenarios that take place every day, brand trumps almost everything.

The story of Jane isn’t exclusive to big brands, either. Sure, being a popular company can garner more attention, but any company can draw people in with their brand. I feel just as loyal to the locally owned consignment shop down the street as I do to my favorite smartphone brand. The important part is to create the relationship you will need to attract and secure hires, which any company’s branding can accomplish.

2.  Your brand builds your company’s reputation.

Your hires will want to work for your company if they respect your what you stand for. Anyone would want to work with a good company, one that they feel like they can trust. I am not alone in looking up a company’s reviews—from actual employees, current and former—before taking a job offer from them, or even before applying. If your current employees are happy with your company, they will report that, giving a glimpse into what working for you is actually like. Your brand will reflect this and cultivating a positive work environment will help fortify your brand. You want to create a workplace that reflects your company’s views and goals because that will attract employees that relate to those same views and goals.

3.  Your brand sends the right message.

Your brand is your company’s way of speaking to the world around it. What is it saying? It’s important to pay attention to your company’s identity and tone and consider what kind of message you are giving to applicants and hires. Think about what kind of applicants (and customers) you are trying to attract and cater your branding to them. Create a relationship. Cultivating your company’s brand may take effort, but it will be worth it in the end.


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    José Eduardo B.


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