Finding a Good Leader in a Haystack

Julie Shenkman
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It is a complicated task to pick a manager among tons of qualified candidates, and many of those who show potential may not be right for the role. Recruiting good leaders is pivotal to any company's success. Consider how you can recruit the best candidates to lead employees at your company.

Use Multiple Filtering Tools

An employer can select good leaders to fill management positions by using filters. Use an applicant tracking system, and look for keywords in each candidate's cover letter and resume that indicate they have the skills and experience needed to excel in the position. Customize your recruiting software to weed out less-qualified candidates, and zero in on highly compatible candidates who have what it takes to lead in your company.

Look for Extra Credentials

Pay special attention to candidates resumes that have extra training and knowledge of the job. Candidates who possess specialized training or an additional certification can turn out to be some of your top performers. A person who works with good mentors to make himself a more effective manager is often one worth investing in.

Consider a Multiphase Hiring Process

After the hiring manager selects individuals of interest using the appropriate recruiting tools, the candidate can come in for a personality test or aptitude exam. Those who perform well can move to the second stage where the hiring manager conducts a brief interview to probe the candidate for outstanding leadership qualities. To find a good leader to work for a department, the input of others is often necessary. The final stage of the interview process can consist a group interview with other managers and key associates who will interact closely with the person. If the candidate makes a memorable impression during each stage, he may prove be a good leader who fits the company culture.

Go Behind the Typical Questions

Asking a job candidate the right kind of interview questions can provide stellar insight as to whether he can be a good manager or not. Many job seekers are prepared to answer basic questions, but when faced with a unique management scenario that requires an immediate response, many candidates fall short. Catching job candidates off-guard with unique questions allows you to probe the minds of potential managers. Are they able to respond quickly and reasonably? Does the candidate seem alarmed or cool at the thought of stressful management situations? Candidates who respond creatively to random interview questions can be good leaders.

Seek Someone Who Inspires

A candidate who has a compelling story and the potential to inspire others to do better has some of the enduring qualities of a good leader. Single out individuals who have a history of high management performance and proven results. Seek candidates who may be inspirational for employees, and your entire workforce can improve.

Investing in a good leader to join your company is a big deal, and the decision to hire someone to complete the company's goals and objectives must be done with care. If selecting good leaders for your workforce seems like a daunting task, consider hiring a recruiting firm to secure top talent for your management circle.

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