Effective Communication Mandatory in a Crisis

Gina Deveney
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A crisis communication plan is an essential element in every work environment, and failure to properly address these problems in an effective, swift manner can lead to organizational disaster. It is imperative that your company has a crisis communication plan that is good for everyone. Consider these important elements of communicating during a crisis.

Appoint Leaders

In times of crisis, it is important to appoint leaders who will fulfil systematic tasks. If your company experiences a breach of security, you must have someone in place to inform the essential executives, stakeholders and clients of the issue. Each person on your elite team should be familiar with all of the fundamentals of the crisis communication plan, and they should be able to guide other employees effectively. If employees and managers observe a situation that could lead to a company crisis, it is important that they know who to report it to immediately.

Monitor the Flow of Information

Every crisis communication plan should dictate who should be informed of what information when the business faces any type of crisis. Leaving customers in the dark about a crisis that any business faces, if it will affect them in anyway, is improper and unethical. Many operations have experienced fierce reprimand by failing to follow proper protocol during a crisis, and informing clients is a crucial aspect of avoiding corporate misconduct.

Create Pre-Scripted Messages

Constructing pre-scripted messages for various crises and placing them on file is an important part of managing a crisis quickly. These messages can be sent out in original form, or they can be adjusted to fit a particular situation. When a problematic circumstance occurs, informing those affected by the crisis using a written form of communication is easier than contacting each person individually.

Communicate Clearly

A fundamental part of every crisis communication plan is clear communication. If other company members understand exactly what has occurred, they are better able to address the situation and apply a solution. Everyone affected must understand the full nature of the crisis that is occurring, and what probable solutions may be used to end it. If your company must make a formal statement to the public, the information should be honest, clear and fear-reducing to maintain a positive company image .

Plan for an Exodus

Your organization must always be able to implement a plan that is appropriate for the types of risks that your organization may face. Employees must be aware of a operational exit plan in case a natural disaster occurs. Make sure that members of your crisis management team are equipped to lead employees and clients to a safer location.

Do not leave the future of your company to chance if a crisis emerges. Through the implementation of a crisis communication plan, your company can respond well to any challenge that arises.


Photo courtesy of ddpavumba at freedigitalphotos.net



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